Have a bed ready: No matter if you are preparing a Guest Room, a Trundle bed, the Sofa, or an Air Mattress…make the bed as ready as possible before they arrive.
Basics: Create a welcoming bed with fresh sheets, comfy blankets, and pillows. If your guest room needs some quick style, consider adding a headboard (used without a footboard, connected to a mattress frame) or a metal bed for a quick makeover.
Nice Extras: Supply extra blankets and pillows, use a fresh linen spray, give a nod to the season with patterned sheets to suit your guest (think snowmen for your preschool nephew and a floral pattern for your aunt).
Keep essentials on hand: Keeping extras in a drawer or basket in case your guest forgets something is thoughtful and will save them a trip to the store.
Basics: Toothbrush, toothpaste, soap, hotel sized shampoo, razor, and shaving cream are frequently forgotten.
Nice Extras: Hotel sized lotions, hair spray, a nail file, a comb, cotton balls, q-tips, and perfumes are nice luxuries your guest will appreciate.
Create an escape: A guest room should be relaxing. Clearing clutter & giving them privacy by staying out of the room will make them feel welcome. Thoughtful extras also add comfort.
Basics: A stocked Night Stand with a reading lamp, magazines and books, and an alarm clock is essential. Providing space for their luggage and empty drawers is also good hosting.
Nice Extras: Stocking the room with a snack stash, bottled water, bathrobe, towels in different colors for each guest, a mirror for makeup touchups, photos of fun memories you share, a night light, and
brochures of local attractions or maps also won’t go unnoticed.